March/April 2020 Issue
Julia Potter | 04.24.20
Articles in this issue
COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has fostered legislative and regulatory activity unprecedented in recent times. Coupled with Wisconsin’s “Safer at Home” directive, municipalities have significantly changed the…
Municipalities Have New Flexibility to Provide Notice of Open Meetings
On March 3, 2020, Governor Evers signed 2019 Wisconsin Act 140 (“Act 140”), which amended Wisconsin’s Open Meetings Law to clarify the methods by which…
Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds City of Sheboygan Annexation
Julia Potter
In a recent case, Town of Wilson v. City of Sheboygan, 2020 WI 16, the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the City of Sheboygan’s annexation of…No Private Cause of Action to Compel Towns to Construct Roads to Meet Wis. Stat. § 82.50 Standards
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that individuals have no private right of action for mandamus or damages to compel a town to construct roads…
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