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Netflix pulls off a “Stranger Thing”: saying “cease and desist” without being a jerk

Everyone knows you should keep an eye out for people using your intellectual property. But in the social media era, it can be hard to get other people to stop without coming off as, well, a bit of a jerk. Netflix recently pulled off a pretty strange thing” in sending a cease and desist letter to a Chicago pop-up bar. The letter went viral, but not for the reason you’d think. Netflix used the opportunity to be funny and thoughtful, garnering a big reputation bump. See the whole letter here: https://​www​.scribd​.com/​d​o​c​u​m​e​n​t​/​359367368​/​N​e​t​f​l​i​x​-​L​e​t​t​e​r​-​S​t​r​a​n​g​e​r​-​T​h​i​n​g​s​-​P​o​p​-​U​p-Bar#

There’s a great lesson here: even when you want others to stop using your IP, you don’t have to be mean. A cease and desist can be an opportunity to build your brand. 

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