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A Beverage War with “Zero” at Stake

Can a company obtain exclusive rights to zilch, nada, nothing? For years, two beverage giants have been trying to find out.

For nearly nine years, Royal Crown Company and Dr. Pepper/​Seven Up, Inc. (both part of the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group) have been trying to end Coca-Cola’s bid to exclusive rights to a variety of trademarks including the term ZERO” for soft drinks (e.g., Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite Zero, Pibb Zero, Fanta Zero, and Powerade Zero, to name a few).

Dr. Pepper opposes Coke’s trademark applications on the basis that zero” is descriptive if not generic for a zero calorie or diet soft drink. Dr. Pepper alleges that, due to negative associations with the word diet,” Coke began replacing diet” with zero” in the mid-2000s, and zero” is no different than the word diet” as short-hand for zero calories. Dr. Pepper also identified several examples of other companies using zero” for the same purpose in connection with their zero-calorie drinks such as Diet Rite Pure Zero, Propel Zero, Arnold Palmer Zero and others, and it introduced into evidence a consumer survey purportedly indicating that ninety-two percent of consumers understand the term Zero” to mean a zero-calorie soft drink.

In contrast, Coke claims it began using zero” to reframe and contemporize” its brands. It denies that zero” is generic, and claims that zero” is not merely descriptive as it has acquired distinctiveness as a trademark based on extensive use and advertising. While most financial figures have been filed under seal, Coke’s attorney has reportedly noted that consumers recognize the term as part of a trademark based on Coke’s $6 billion in sales of soft drinks bearing marks including ZERO” prior to 2011.

Interestingly, this is not the first time Coke has faced this challenge. More than two years ago, the Trademark Office dismissed oppositions brought by the Brazilian company, Ambev, to the same trademark applications, and found that Coke had proven that ZERO had acquired distinctiveness when used as an element of a mark for soft drinks. That decision was non-precedential, and leaves Coke again facing a similar challenge.

To some, this may be much ado about nothing. Those in the industry obviously disagree and are awaiting the Trademark Office decision with carbonated breath.

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